Result of our work

since 1960

Our philosophy is to consolidate ourselves as your leading fruit and vegetable supplier at European level by applying the highest quality to the products.

Our fruits

Trust in nature



Commitment and responsibility

Navarro de Haro Vegetables and Fruits is a company whose objective is to meet the needs of farmers and customers with honesty and commercial efficiency.

Experience and Transparency

Our solid trajectory in the production and handling of fruit and vegetable products helps us to control each process from the beginning to the time before collecting watermelons and melons.


Team and values

We take care of the relationships with people by innovating and growing as a company. We also contribute to create employment for more than 50 people in continuous training thanks to our progress and direct contact with the country.

Equipo Hortalizas Y Frutas Navarro de Haro


Sandias Hortalizas y Frutas Navarro de Haro



Equipo Hortalizas y Frutas Navarro de Haro


Commitment to the environment

The excellence and condition of our fruits are part of our identity, such as safety and respect for nature.

Our values ​​respect the collection of products in their main stages of maturation, offering each customer an excellent guarantee of quality in our fruits.

Discover our secret

Do you want to work with us?

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